Just a Thought

There is no peace for the wicked, or so they say; the town hall need to see some ID and my bank details in order to confirm my accommodation and benefit claim.  Sooner or later I am going to need some funds for finding my own feet.  In the meantime my crip-stick is in need of a new set of feet – the rubber tips are a very soft compound that is probably more suited to indoor use than trekking across the city each day.


I dare it will take me some time to adjust back to indoor life – it has on previous occasions – and my time on the streets once again ably demonstrates how modern living is increasingly about creating solutions to problems which did not really exist.  I have had no mobile phone, no online presence in any way, in fact the closest I been to interacting with technology has been my wristwatch.  I can honestly say I have not felt any the worse for the experience.



It will be interesting to see how the transition back goes.  The last time I through such transitions I was nowhere near as immersed with technology – oh how the world has changed in such a short space of time.